
Asiago D’Allevo Aged Item #: R2170

  • Availability: Stock
  • Milk: Cow
  • Country: Italy
  • Region: Veneto
  • Pack: 2/4# V Case Only

This popular cheese is from the Asiago plateau in the Veneto region and was originally made with sheep’s milk, but the recipe changed as cattle farming increased in the 1500s. The DOP was established in 1979 to protect the integrity of this traditional mountain cheese, which can be made only in the provinces of Vicenza, Trento, Padova and Treviso. There are two main types Asiago: d’Allevo and Pressato. The d’Allevo version is the more traditional of the two. Once the partially skimmed milk is heated and coagulated, it is placed in special wooden molds, brined, and then aged for several months.
