Prairie Breeze Cheddar
Prairie Breeze Aged Cheddar Cheese on a cheese board with cheese knives

Produced by a Mennonite family in southern Iowa, Milton
Creamery Prairie Breeze is an aged cheddar cheese unlike others. The cows’ milk
sourced for Prairie Breeze comes from small Amish dairy farms within a handful
of miles from the creamery. Cows are grazed as long as the Midwestern weather
permits, and artificial growth hormones, such as rBST, are never used.

Alpine cultures and vegetarian rennet are added to
coagulate the milk. (Wait, “Alpine” you say?) Anyone who’s tasted Prairie
Breeze before knows that this cheese is different, but perhaps couldn’t put a
finger on it. While it has the tangy, piquant, umami-rich flavor of many
quality cheddars, a prevailing sweet and nutty profile emerges, not unlike
Gruyère. The curds are cheddared, and the blocks are aged for a minimum of 9
months. A crumbly texture develops along with an abundant amount of calcium
lactate crystals. Its paste is fudgy on the palate allowing it to linger on the