****No Longer Available**** Hinman Settler – Seasonal Item #: A1910

- Milk: CowSheep
- Country: United States
- Pasteurization: Raw
- Region: Vermont
- Pack: 1/6 lb
Jasper Hill recently gained access to sheep’s milk from Bonneview Farm. Hinman Settler is the first “experiment” in mixed cheeses that is ready for commercial release. Essentially just a mixed-milk blue made to an adapted Bayley Hazen blue recipe, Hinman is about half sheep, half cow in the final curd.
We recently tasted it here and it drew unanimous positive reviews. Just about everyone thought it was pretty similar to Bayley, but with some slight but compelling differences. One reviewer said it was the interesting halfway point between Roquefort and Stilton. We think Hinman is a great addition to a cheese counter or plate on its own, but also can be used with Bayley for interesting compare/contrast experiments with your customers.
Available Seasonally